the beautiful, powerful Body Scientist Makeda Voletta speaks often about indigenous Women hunters....

Why is this? Women have a unique proclivity towards stillness and surrender to spirit as well as subtle energies. This is why in churches, mosques, and temples, women far outnumber men. Women are more fluid, emotional, and spiritual. The woman’s essence, known across all cultures and tribes, is water—most commonly referred to as yin. The male fire is Yang. Women represent coolness which is the true key to femininity. Allow yourself to receive and give service. [distinguish submission from surrender and service from slavery…e.g. Mary Magdalene]

Presentness, allowing yourself to just Be. That is the true art of femininity.
A man loves a woman just Being. When you’re not worried about being the active (read: HOT, aggressive) energy of performing for a man, trying to get his attention, you are your most womanly self. Don’t worry about whether your hair flips enough or whether your hips sway hard enough to switch—men notice this though they’ll never tell you. As a woman who has always had more male friends than female friends, I’ve gleaned into the secret mind of men. Men look, not for the super booty-jiggling, ground shaking Switch, but for a woman’s natural walk. That “Naomi Campbell Walk” or Beyonce’s Sasha Fierce strut? Wonderful, empowering, yes indeed. But it’s more for show, for exaggeration more for us—other females—really, to remind us of our femininity through hyperfeminine display.
Exaggerration itself is a form of boasting. It too means to “make bigger” and to try to make something bigger or yourself bigger is a masculine aptitude. Notice men always seem to live by the phrase “bigger is better”—bigger cars, bigger buildings, bigger penises, bigger hamburgers….for women the phrase should be “smaller is better” and smaller taken to mean More Humble. Humility and Compassion are women’s true virtues and abilities that men struggle to cultivate while these maternal instincts are in us naturally, automatically. A woman naturally feels no need to boast or scramble for attention with grand gestures—a true woman (proverbs 31) does without asking acknowledgement because a true woman in her true nature, will receive praise from everyone around her. Because a woman is the true glue that holds a relationship, a family, a community, together. She is the one who prays, who dreams, who creates, who cleans, who nourishes through delicious and healing foods, who brings everything in harmony by keeping an organized home and sweeping away demons and negative, stale energies with a sweet song or deep humming.
Back to Being. Have you ever noticed for centuries artists, painters, and photographers have many more pictures of women than men? More than that, artists much more often portray women fluid rather than contrived. This means you’ll more likely find a picture of a woman just sitting, muscles relaxed, staring into a ray of sunlight on a green lawn, or playing with a parasol, or lying—languishing—on a bed of crisp white sheets a la Marilyn Monroe. Men, on the other hand, are depicted in a fantasy scenario of war or fighting or jumping, running, something strenuous, highly active.

Just as a river is not completely still or frozen, a woman is not cold or stagnant. On the contrary a woman is warm, deep, and constantly curving, changing subtly, trickling, bubbling. But the activity of a man to a woman is the difference between a wolf chasing and biting at your heels to a dog gently licking your palm. They are both in motion, acting, but to two very diverse degrees.
The man’s energy is active….activity produces manifestation. The woman’s energy is potential and potentially expanding with appropriate stimulus: hence the sperm’s “activation”, germination, or fertilization of the woman’s egg which [potentially] already carries all the necessary information and encoding necessary for the human being and soul soon to be conceived and birthed.
This is why the white tigress takes that masculine energy into her—first by coyly activating it through her fluid feminine energy—by raising up the man’s sexual energy by keeping him in constant arousal (and, by virtue of her performing oral on him, leaving him free and surrendered where he won’t be performing as he would when moving inside a woman’s yoni) and delaying his gratification by delaying orgasm again and again, giving it more built up power and then directing it upon his orgasmic release into the manifestation of frequency elevation. This is why the white tigress does not “waste” her energy by engaging in intercourse with man—because, by allowing the male to enter her yoni and manipulating it, a complex exchange of energy transpires which still requires an exertion of the woman’s energy and in the wrong hands or the wrong man cause a woman to feel “drained” by the men in her life who use her energy consciously or unconsciously, using her “shining”* [beloved reference and quote]…the white tigress sucks his energy and directs it like a funnel into the universe or within her body to nourish the aura and essentially leave the physical more youthful or vibrant (because, essentially, as one ages, the deterioration of mind and body through the ravages of environment, pollution, and stress, manifest in wrinkles or sagging or even memory lapses and the like—all of this comes essentially from years of energy drainage and lack of circulation of electricity or ashe that is vital to our physical form and mirrors the lack of spiritual electricity in our auric bodies and the increased dulling of our glowing, our light which is the higher frequency of love. [again Beloved’s shining and Oshun’s gold…alchemy of the “old man” to the “spirit man” of white light or the “heart of gold”…white gold, etherium gold]